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Landline: (02) 254-0612 | (02) 254-0479 | (02) 516-5877 | (02) 254-9628 | (02) 925-0634 | (02) 925-2284 | (02) 425-7697 | SMART: 0999-9986300 | GLOBE: 0917-6789833 | SUN: 0922-8159718

CONTACT US – Special Instructions:
*Starmark only entertains CALL inquiries and orders. Our System cannot  receive incoming text messages and private messages. We may not be  able to respond via email, sms, or pm’s. It is still best to CALL us. Or you  may visit us at our store. We are open from 9:00am – 7:00pm. Some of our  items are pre-ordered.

*All our landline numbers including our mobile numbers are centralized in a  phone system network, assisted by an Automated Operator. Simply press  Zero (0) after hearing the automated operator to connect to our Sales  Department. For clients calling us via mobile numbers, expect no additional  charges from your end, aside from the typical plan you availed from your  chosen Network (Globe, Smart, Sun, Etc.)

*Always remember to get the NAME of the Starmark Personnel who assisted
you for faster transactions and easier follow ups.

*All our prices are subject to change without prior notice.
*Some of Starmark Items are PRE-ORDERED. Kindly confirm first if your    preferred items are READILY available at the store or on an ADVANCE-    ORDER Basis. Some items can be prepared in 1 hour, some in 3 to 4  days, and others in 5 to 10 days, depending on the items inquired.

*Our team at Starmark Ent. only reserves items for clients with a 50% cash  down payment. Company & Personal Cheques are also honored, but we  need to wait for their corresponding clearing dates. (No 50% down  payment, no reservation)

Landline: (02) 254-0612; 254-0479
02) 516-5877; 254-9628
                  (02) 925-0634; 925-2284
(02) 425-7697
Globe: 0917-6789833
Smart: 0999-9986300
Sun: 0922-8159718
*1F-09, Ground Floor, 999 Mall, Bldg.1, Soler St., Binondo, Manila
(Beside 168 Mall & Lucky Chinatown Mall)
*Our Store is open Mondays to Sundays, 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. except on  selected holidays.
*Our Warehouse is open Mondays to Fridays, 9:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m, except  on selected holidays.